Summary: Esthetic or functional repercussions in localized scleroderma may be considerable. Numerous treatments have been proposed with limited effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose zinc gluconate in the treatment of morphea. We are reporting a retrospective study of 17 patients with histologically confirmed localized scleroderma active for more than one year and whose treatment with a high potency dermocorticosteroid was a failure. The patients received 60 to 90 mg of zinc metal daily. The clinical evaluation was performed by the physician and the patient. An efficacy of 53% was obtained (5 partial remissions and 4 complete remissions) with a mean dose of 83.3 mg/day of zinc metal. Two patients (11.8%) had epigastralgia; no discontinuation of zinc gluconate for poor tolerability was noted.We conclude that high-dose zinc gluconate can therefore be a valuable alternative treatment for localized scleroderma, with good tolerability, although placebo-controlled studies are necessary to confirm our results.

(Fonte: Anabelle Brocard, Gaelle Quereux, Dominique Moyse, Brigitte Dreno – European Journal of Dermatology. Volume 20, Numero 2, pagg. 172-4, Marzo-Aprile 2010, Investigative report)

Dr.ssa Adele Sparavigna
Specialista in Dermatologia e Venereologia